Tomb 21 at el-Bersheh


Kamal 1901, p. 17-8 After nine days of work in this shaft [...] I was told that we had arrived at the [...] entrance. I hurried down and found that it was closed by ten slabs ten slabs laid horizontally one on the other. The first from above had been removed from its row and thrown into the centre of the pit, while the second remained in place but broken in the middle, so as to allow hardly a single person to pass.

We already knew, by the finding of a wooden canopic lid seven meters down in the pit, that that it had been violated in ancient times, but the hope of retrieving something that might have escaped the thieves encouraged me to continue the work. On entering the room I saw by candlelight a double wooden coffin whose head panels had been removed and placed one on the central slabs blocking the entrance, the other near the canopic niche.

The lids of the two coffins were also half-open and raised on one side only; the large one was held ajar by a piece of wood, and the small one also by a piece of wood on one side and by the other. by a piece of wood on one side and by a stone on the other.Above the large lid were a number of funerary boats and other objects piled in disorder.

Excavation Report

Kamal-1901, p. 17-8

Reference (Bibliography)

Kamal A B, Fouilles a Deir-el-Barsheh (mars-avril 1900), ASAE 2, 14-43., 1901


  1. Amenemhat