Meir was long a well-known site for the extraction of artifacts for sale.Blackman investigated the tombs over a period from 1914 to record the decoration and inscriptions, which are published in 5 volumes.
Adapted from The Rock Tombs of Meir, vol I, p. 6, Blackman, 1914:
Meir ; A, No. 4., Name: Hepi the Black, Reign of Pepi II - Mernere II
A large hall, the roof of which is supported on four pillars of square section, approached by a small ante-room. Leading out of the hall is an inner room, in which there are two burial-pits (one of them is unfinished) and a rough uninscribed false door in the west wall. In the hall, besides six pits, there is a chamber under the floor containing, apparently, another such pit, which is now filled with debris Neither the ante-room, hall, nor inner room is decorated, but on the south and west walls of the subterranean chamber there are drawings of offerings and funerary furniture surmounted by a line of inscription. This writing and the drawings have been disgustingly befouled by the bats, and it proved a difficult task even to decipher the name of the owner.