Tomb Hnwy at Gebelein


As recorded in Grabfunde des Mittleren Reichs in den K?niglichen Museen zu Berlin, G. Steindorff, 1901, p. 11, the contents of this tomb were bought from a dealer. The dealer described the tomb as follows

The grave was in the western mountains near the village which is called El Rerera, halfway up the mountain. Above the door, which was sealed with bricks, was a courtyard, with a wall of unbaked bricks on both sides. Through the door you came to a room in the middle of which a column was hewn in the rock. In the wall of this room (actually probably more of a shaft) were five doors that had been closed up with bricks: each led to a chamber in which stood a coffin.

The large coffin (of Henui) stood in the middle one. [...] Next to the big coffin were the granary (13758) and the two boats (13756 and 13757) - one to the east, one to the west. The bow, the arrows and the staff were on top of the lid while the headrest (13740) and the pair of sandals (13739) were in the coffin.

The servant with the bird (13742) was not with the big coffin, but in the next chamber to the left.

Reference (Bibliography)

Steindorff G, Grabfunde des Mittleren Reichs in den Königlichen Museen zu Berlin. Vol II, Berlin: W. Spemann, 1901., 1901


  1. Hnwy