Tomb BH 655 at Beni Hasan


Burial of Auy.

Garstang inventory list

i. Green glaze model of hedgehog. Fig.140. (MacGr. Coll.)
ii. Green glaze cylindrical beads.
iii. Blade of battle axe, p. 197 and Fig. 165. (Liv. Inst. Arch.)
iv. Scribe's writing slab (?).
v. Decayed Wooden figures and fragments from rowing boat, and groups.
vi. Inscribed painted cloth from cartonage.
Pottery, Types 6 (two), 15 (two), 18 (two), 23, 26, 32 (three), 40 (three).

Excavation Report

Garstang Burial Customs

Reference (Bibliography)

Garstang J, The Burial Customs of the Ancient Egyptians, as illustrated by Tombs of the Middle Kingdom, 1907, London, Constable., 1907


  1. Auy