Tomb BH 545 at Beni Hasan


Burial of Hennu.

Garstang inventory list

i. Number of seeds.
ii. Number of small green glaze beads, also carnelian ball beads; two glazed cylindrical beads and scarab.
iii. Sealed pot.
iv. Copper mirror.
v. Fragment of wooden model, and piece of wood.
vi. Wooden model oar.
Pottery, Types 14, 16 (two), 36, 37, 40, 42, 49, and fragments of pottery object decorated with figures modelled in relief.

Excavation Report

Garstang Burial Customs

Reference (Bibliography)

Garstang J, The Burial Customs of the Ancient Egyptians, as illustrated by Tombs of the Middle Kingdom, 1907, London, Constable., 1907


  1. Hennu