Tomb BH 420 at Beni Hasan


Garstang inventory list

i. String dolls. Fig. 151. One with long hair and bead pendants. (Pr. Coll. F. Hilton Price.) One with bead clustered hair. (MacGr. Coll)
      string dolls
      string doll
ii. Wooden head rest.
iii. Part of brewery scene.
iv. Scribe from granary, and another figure.
v. Remains of boat.
vi. Pottery stopper. (Ch. 440.)
vii. Fragments of coffin with text.
Pottery, Types 13 (two), and a dish.

Not clearly identifiable from Garstang's Inventory


Excavation Report

Garstang Burial Customs

Reference (Bibliography)

Garstang J, The Burial Customs of the Ancient Egyptians, as illustrated by Tombs of the Middle Kingdom, 1907, London, Constable., 1907


  1. Unknown