Tomb BH 203 at Beni Hasan


Garstang inventory list

i. Beads: small, ball-shaped of glaze; small, brown and yellow; with some of carnelian, and one shell.
ii. Figures from model of granary, being a scribe and a man with a basket.
iii. Two figures from a model of sacrifice.
iv. Figures of men from rowing boat of four pairs oars.
v. Figure of men from rowing boat of three pairs oars.
vi. Figure of men from sailing boat, ten figures, including two singers on seats
vii. Model of a sailing boat. (Pr. Coll. Mr. John Rankin.)

Excavation Report

Garstang Burial Customs

Reference (Bibliography)

Garstang J, The Burial Customs of the Ancient Egyptians, as illustrated by Tombs of the Middle Kingdom, 1907, London, Constable., 1907


  1. Unknown