Naga ed-Deir

Sheikh Farag

Naga ed-Deir is a necropolis situated on the east bank of the Nile to the south of Akhmim.

The site stretches for 2 kilometers from the Coptic monastery ( deir in Arabic) and modern village, after which the site is named, to the area known as Sheikh Farag, named after the tomb of a local Islamic holy man.

The cemeteries of Naga ed-Deir cover an almost unbroken sequence from Predynastic times to the present. They were excavated by the American Egyptologist George Reisner between 1901 and 1924. He numered the cemeteries around the three wadis at the southern end of the site 100 to 3500, while cemeteries 9000-10,000 were located farther north.

Burials in cemetery 100 date from the Old Kingdom to the Middle Kingdom.


Naga ed-Deir in egyptsites

Location of Naga ed-Deir

Models by site for Naga ed Deir Cemetery 100