Model Type
combination: baking/brewing
Breasted: 4. New York, Metropolitan Museum, 20.3.12 (Pl. 36a, 36b). Eleventh dynasty. Bakery and brewery in one building separated into two rooms by partition wall. Brewery: staff consists of seven figures. 1. Doorkeeper with baton; 2. Small man standing in vat treading dough; 3. Man pouring off liquid into crock; 4. Man kneading dough; 5. Man bruising grain with pestle; 6. Two women grinding grain into flour. This room is nearest entrance door. Thirteen figures comprise bakery staff: 1. Two men bruising grain with pestle; 2. Two women grinding grain into flour; 3. Two men each tending a different oven; 4. Two men mixing dough, each standing in a tall tub; 5. Man bruising grain with pestle; 6. Two men forming dough into cakes; 7. Two men each tending a round oven. Heads of men are shaven; they usually wear white skirts and are nude to waist.
From tomb of Meketre, Deir el Bahari. Length: 73.2 cm. Winlock, MMA Bull., Dec., 1920, pt. II, p. 26, fig. 121 p. 21.
Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York
Accession number
Breasted Classification
II-4-1 PREPARATION AND PROCESSING OF FOOD - Model Scenes of Baking, Brewing, and Slaughtering. - Baking and brewing in same house or room.
Length 73.2 cm
References (Bibliography)
BreastedJnr-1948 , II-4-1 4, Pl. 36a, 36b
Tooley-1989 , p. 32
Winlock-1920 , MMA Bull, Dec. 1920, pt. II, p. 26, fig. 121 p. 21
Winlock-1955 , p. 25-29, 22,23,24, 64, 65
Museum Online Record Card

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internal ID: 783