Model Type
offering bearer
Schneider/Raven: This figure is of a girl in a tight skirt On her head she wears a long wig on which hieroglyphic sxt (M21) 'marshland' has been applied. Probably, therefore,this figure is a personification of trapping and fishing in Marshes of Nile. In her right hand the goddess holds a duck by the wings, the bird in her left hand is missing.
Height 32cm len. 13.3 , breadth 6.2
Breasted -- 1. Leiden, Rijksmuseum van Oudheden (Pl. 61a). This may be the goddess sh.t nb.t hb, if the three reed leaves in her hair are being properly interpreted. As goddess of fishing and bird hunting, it is not surprising to find her holding a bird by the wings in her right hand; the left hand obviously held something, either another bird or a fish. In any case she is here represented in the attitude of an offering bearer, and wears a long white skirt. 86 Provenance unknown. Formerly in Von Bissing Collection. Height: 32 cm. Wijngaarden, Meest. der Eg. Kunst te Leiden, Pl. 33, text, pp. 100-101. Cf. Jaarbericht-Ex Oriente Lux, II, (1943), Pl. XXVII, text, p. 759.
Middle Kingdom
Ref. for dating
Rijksmuseum van Oudheden, Leiden
Accession number
F 1934/12.2
Breasted Classification
IV-1-5 SERVANTS CARRYING SUPPLIES FOR DECEASED, AND FUNERAL SCENES - Servants Carrying Supplies for Deceased. - Goddess bringing supplies for deceased.
Height 32 cm
References (Bibliography)
BreastedJnr-1948 , IV-1-5 1, Pl. 61a
Schneider-etal-1981 , nr. 52.
Wijngaarden-1938 , Pl. 33, text, pp. 100-101
Museum Online Record Card

Links to Images and Other Refs


internal ID: 1061