Adapted from Lahun II, Petrie, Brunton and Murray, 1923. pp. 33-34Tomb N 17 was found in the south-east slope of West Hill. It may be of the XIth or early XIIth dynasty.
A sloping passage, 3.5 ft. wide, and 11 ft. long, led north from the surface into a rock-cut chamber with a second room leading out on the west. At the back of the first room a small square shaft, 8 ft. deep, connected with three other rooms on three sides. The upper rooms were a chaos of debris and rubbish, including the remains of various animals which had used it as a refuge.
The burial remains were all of the early part of the Middle Kingdom, and the tomb, quite exceptionally, had not been re-used. Beads of many kinds were found : garnet, carnelian, amethyst and blue-glaze balls ; electrum-plated balls ; a carnelian hawk; an amethyst fly; and green-glaze collar-beads and spacers. The wooden base of a statuette was inscribed with a dedication for a certain Thy.
The interest of the place lay in the many fragments of models which were lying about. These consisted of portions of a boat or boats, a hawkheaded standard, figures of rowers, pieces of oars, servants, various offerings, etc. A pretty little object was a model flail, made of a stick from the end of which hung three little strings of the tiniest lazuli, carnelian and felspar beads. It is important to notice that in no other tomb at Lahun did we find the smallest fragment of the well-known models so common in the IXth-XIth dynasties, and also in the earlier part of the XIIth dynasty, as for instance those found in the tomb of the nomarch Tehutihetep at El Bersheh.